Goodnight Raleigh - a look at the art, architecture, history, and people of the city at night

Downtown Appetite For Art Recap

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Auctioneer looking for bidders during the live auction

The fourth annual Downtown Appetite For Art kicked off at Marbles Kids Museum on a Saturday evening that was markedly different than the first one in 2004. Then, Moore Square was almost quiet enough to hear tumbleweeds roll across the grass. This year the area was afire and loud as Downtown Live filled the streets with people.

Heather and Katherine tasting one of Matt McConnell‘s lit ice sculptures at the first DA4A four years ago

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Arrogance rocked the crowd

Each event has featured local musical acts. This year Arrogance took the stage to play a fantastic and energizing set. When doing research for the Village Subway article a few weeks ago, Arrogance was mentioned by everyone that provided information on the musical acts that played there. The band holds a special place in the hearts of those who frequented Raleigh’s Underground.

Downtown Appetite For Art
Paul (of Mura) creating a delicious veggie roll

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In addition to the music, there was food and wine for everyone attending

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More of the room where Arrogance played and the live auction was held

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The room where the silent auction was held

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I was engaged in a last minute bidding war with the couple in the center of this photo

There were 60 pieces of art by 35 artists, 100 sponsors, 120 packages, and over 400 people at the event. It was a great success! If you missed it this year, you won’t want to the next time around.

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