Goodnight Raleigh - a look at the art, architecture, history, and people of the city at night

Local History Through the Camera Lens

Century Films Header

Get a unique glimpse into North Carolina’s past through a special highlights screening of films from Raleigh’s own Century Film Studios (1950s-1980s). Century’s owner, local cinematographer O.B. Garris (formerly of WNAO and WRAL) was a prolific cameraman, photographer, and filmmaker. See below for a partial list of Century Film Studio’s work that will be screened at this event.

The media landscape from the 1950s – 1980s is thought to be very different from today’s. This special event will address some of these differences and highlight the ways in which, much like today, media was often produced at the local level.  These local producers, however, are too often forgotten.

Century Film Studios featured works include:

  • Campaign coverage of Governors Bob Scott, Dan K. Moore, James E. Holshouser, Jr., and Jim Hunt
  • Sponsored films for NC law enforcement agencies, the Boy Scouts, and the North Carolina State Fair
  • Commercials for the Record Bar, Mt. Olive Pickles, and Duke’s Children’s Classic golf tournament
  • And a host of materials (even NC State football) that illustrate the “image” of the state and its enterprises that this local company was hired to create

The films will be discussed by Dr. Devin Orgeron, associate professor of Film Studies at NC State, Melissa Dollman, media archivist (who processed and is presenting research on the collection), Kim Andersen of the State Archives, and NC State alumnus Skip Elsheimer of A/V Geeks.

This program is a collaboration between the NCSU Libraries, NC State’s Department of English, the State Archives of North Carolina, and A/V Geeks.

The event will be held at the James B. Hunt Jr. Library Auditorium, NC State University Centennial Campus. It is free and open to the public.

WHAT: Local History through the Camera Lens

WHEN: Oct. 13 / 7:00pm-9:00pm

WHERE: James B. Hunt Jr. Library on the NC State University campus, 1070 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC 27608




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