Goodnight Raleigh - a look at the art, architecture, history, and people of the city at night

Another Memorial Marker Returns (Sort of)

The marker above denoting the birthplace of President Andrew Johnson hasn’t recently returned, but I don’t think it has been here for that long either. According to Raleigh Boy, it was originally located in front of the Ambadassor Theater at the north end of the 100 block of Fayetteville Street and was removed in the mid-1970s during the conversion of that street into a pedestrian mall.

When meeting up to have drinks at the Raleigh Times, he mentioned that he noticed it for the first time since it was removed from its original location. Until he pointed it out, I had never noticed it. I do know it has been in this location since at least late 2007, as it is visible to the right of the light post in Google Street View.

The inscription reads:

125 feet east of this point Andrew Johnson seventeenth president was born Dec 29, 1808.

Now that the marker is no longer in its original spot, the inscription is now somewhat inaccurate.

Have you noticed this particular marker? Was it put here in 2005 when the trees and greenery were uprooted in the process of reopening the street to vehicular traffic?

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