Goodnight Raleigh - a look at the art, architecture, history, and people of the city at night

Fayetteville Street, looking North, Raleigh, N.C.

This week for Flashback Friday — yet another astonishing postcard find. Our lovelorn ‘Cullen’ continues to pine for his distant sweetheart Emmie.

Sept 18th 1913
118 Polk St
Raleigh NC
Am in Raleigh today. Had a fine time at home. work is dull here now. all of us are getting a lot of time to loaf in. I am enjoying it fine if there is no pay in it. would like to have you with me. Cullen

Thanks to the diligent research of our Goodnight Raleigh readers, we now know that the ‘Emmie’ addressed in these postcard missives was probably the very same Emmie Curry who eventually married US naval officer Horace Gould — and, sadly, not our lovesick  ‘Cullen’.

This postcard depicts one of my favorite views of early 20th century Fayetteville St. And although the scene has dramatically changed since then, the Capitol and four additional structures seen here are still standing today. I wonder if our Goodnight Raleigh readers can identify them?

“Flashback Friday” is a weekly feature of Goodnight, Raleigh! in which we showcase vintage postcards depicting our historic capital city. We hope you enjoy this week end treat!

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