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Raleigh Wars Registration Begins May 27th

Winner from the 3rd Annual Assassin’s Ball

Registration for the home-grown urban assassin game in Raleigh starts May 27th, and the game begins June 6th.

If you’ve missed our previous coverage of Raleigh Wars, it’s an urban assassin game where players hunt other plays with water weapons, and gameplay is controlled by custom built software:

The game is played like this: each competitor is assigned another competitor as a target. You have to assassinate that target with a water weapon. If you succeed you inherit whomever they were hunting. While you are attempting to make your hit you are being hunted by another assassin. If you are assassinated, you lose. The game continues until there is only one assassin left.

Each game ends with an “Assassin’s Ball”, a party thrown at a Downtown Raleigh venue with prizes and awards for gameplay.

Visit to register and sign up.

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