Goodnight Raleigh - a look at the art, architecture, history, and people of the city at night

The Abandoned Communications Complex

The local graffiti artists have taken over the exterior with their spray cans.

The local graffiti artists have taken over the exterior with their spray cans.

Among Raleigh’s commercial development areas, along well travelled highways, behind overgrown rows of southern pines, lie left-behind abandonments that most drivers and pedestrians overlook. The haste to arrive at the ‘next place’ has consumed so many that they have forgotten to stop and look around.

An empty guard station, sits in wait, for the crew that will never again report to work.

An empty guard station, sits in wait, for the crew that will never again report to work.

To the neighborhood kids, these are “known” spots. To the homeless, these are a dry place to rest the head for a night. To the city planners, these are eyesores in need of gentrification.

Vandals have smashed nearly every window.

Vandals have smashed nearly every window.

In North Raleigh, sits a vacant building. Once a 23-acre research and development facility, now a crumbling pile of rain-soaked, drop-ceiling tiles and moldy drywall. While viewing what this building has become, one would never know that this property is valued at over 10 million.

This rusted satellite stands watch over every sunrise and sunset that comes to the city.

This rusted satellite stands watch over every sunrise and sunset that comes to the city.

Still a vision of beauty in the night.

Still a vision of beauty in the night.