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John the Press Operator

Much of the talk of the hemorraging of jobs at the N&O has focused on newsroom staff (I’ll especially miss the fine photojournalism of Jason Arthurs), but all parts of the company are hurting. There are a few veterans left that soldier on, however. John (above), is one of them.

He’s a press operator, and this makes the third time his photo has been posted to the site. The first was in late 2007, and the second time was in early 2008. At that time, he was with two other press operators, one of which gave me an earful about McClatchy once asked. Much like the last time I bumped in to him, he didn’t have anything to say about the current situation – other than general unhappiness with the across the board pay cuts and furloughs.

John has been with the paper for over 22 years, and his father worked as a press operator at the N&O before he did.  He makes the commute to downtown from Granville County.

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