Goodnight Raleigh - a look at the art, architecture, history, and people of the city at night

Raleigh At Four Hundred Acres

A plate near the sidewalk at the corner of East St and New Bern Avenue reads:

Eastern boundary of the original city of Raleigh. The original city plan, drawn by surveyor and legislator William Christmas in 1792 contained four hundred acres with North, South, East, and West Streets as the boundaries. Christmas’s plan called for New Bern Ave and the other streets leading towards Union Square to be 99 ft. wide, the rest of the streets to be 66 ft. wide. Raleigh grew slowly, and by 1891 the eastern boundary was one and one-half blocks east of here.

Raleigh Boy noted these original boundaries when commenting on the history of the Hillsboro(ugh) St. name.

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