Goodnight Raleigh - a look at the art, architecture, history, and people of the city at night

The Death Of A High School

The gargoyles in the brick structure pictured above once guarded the entrance to Hugh Morson High School. It has long since been demolished, and this was erected in 1978 to preserve the memory of it by alumni. The inscription above reads:

These gargoyles once graced the entrance to Hugh Morson High School. They now face the site approximately 275 yards southeast between Person, Morgan, Bloodworth, and Hargett Streets. Erected in remembrance by former students in 1978

This structure is located on Morgan Street, near where it intersects Blount Street. When doing my routine scientific and exclusive detective work that accompanies each post (a Google search), I found a treasure trove of Raleigh history in the form of a video interviewing the final class of Hugh Morson High School. Some of the interesting facts about Raleigh in 1955 noted by alumni include:

  • The population was around 55,000 people
  • There were 3 high schools: Broughton, Ligon, and Hugh Morson
  • All schools combined their athletic programs to form one team, The Raleigh Caps

The original is hosted on the WCPSS web site but for embedding purposes, I uploaded it to YouTube. There are several incredible photos of Raleigh’s past that are worth checking out in the video below.

UPDATE: Karl (Raleigh Boy) has provided me with the following images of Hugh Morson High School. Thanks Karl!

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