Goodnight Raleigh - a look at the art, architecture, history, and people of the city at night

Meet Alvin

This is Alvin. He’s married and runs a landscaping business. He moved here in 1985 to seek better opportunities than were available in the small town he departed from. I was stuck here on Wilmington Street while trying to stay dry during the downpour Friday before last. Alvin came by and introduced himself, especially after noticing I was holding a camera. He wanted me to share his secret to life with everyone I know:

In all things, every day–be happy, be joyous, and be free.

He was saying it while raising his hands in the last photo. I’m really glad I got to meet Alvin, as his optimism and happiness were quite contagious. It was most welcome while I was initially bored stuck under an awning.

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