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Raleigh Media Receives Unlikely New Source

Image credit: Sid Fowler

The number of local media sources has grown tremendously, and until now, that growth has been limited to online distribution. This past weekend, a newcomer arrives with print copies of “The Stagger”, a publication known in Chapel Hill/Carrboro, but not in Raleigh.

The Stagger bills itself as “Your source for live entertainment in the Downtown Raleigh area”. It relies on print distribution with a web site that consists of scans of the printed version. According to a Facebook update, the folks had planned on distributing the printed version in Raleigh after landing ad sales with local businesses. Now that the print version has arrived, we can assume they were successful.

Like the frequently updated and beloved local favorite, Raleigh Specials Tonight, it focuses on events and drink specials. As of now there is no Raleigh flavor of their main site, which means they’ve launched here solely as a print venture. The gentlemen in the photo above had around a dozen stands when I saw him. They have a large reach and wide distribution network in Chapel Hill, and I’m guessing they have the same aim here.

Do you think it will be as successful in Raleigh as it is in Chapel Hill/Carrboro?

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