Goodnight Raleigh - a look at the art, architecture, history, and people of the city at night

The Staudt Bakery

The building at Hillsboro/Morgan is the old Staudt Bakery. The Staudts began operating a bakery in Raleigh in the 1910s. This building was put up ca. 1940 and was very “modern” for its time. (It’s been vacant for decades.) The Staudt family home, a substantial brick house, stood up on the corner @ Hillsboro St. where a small parking lot is now. It was demolished in the late 1970s when when Morgan St was converted to one-way and the traffic connector put in, usurping the old Harrison Ave., which once occupied this route. You can still see a small section of Harrison Ave. down by the tracks at Charlie Goodnight’s building (which was originally built as an ice plant and ice cream factory)

(information supplied by Raleigh Boy)

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