Goodnight Raleigh - a look at the art, architecture, history, and people of the city at night

The Ghost Of The Capitol Building

I got this photo while pinned down under the downpour on Friday night. I was stuck under an awning waiting for the heavy rain to subside, and decided to get a photo of the Capitol building. I had thought the Vance Monument was the only human-like object in the photo, but if you look closely at the far left bottom window there is a shadowy figure in the rain. This was a longer exposure (1.5 seconds) so any person captured by the camera should be invisible. Additionally, people are never a solid dark color, especially with so many bright fluorescent lights around. If it was a person standing still, there would at least a few colors. I stood staring at the Capitol building for a long time, and there weren’t any people standing around it or walking by it. I’m certainly not a believer in the paranormal and not saying this is a ghost – but it is something strange.

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