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Are We Saying Goodbye to the Wilmont?

(image credit John Morris)

On Friday, residents of the Hillsborough Street landmark The Wilmont learned they have 30 days to move out or face eviction proceedings. A tenant filed a complaint with the city about a hole in the ceiling, and series of inspections and investigations followed. City Council then passed on ordinance declaring it unfit for human habitation.

View from one of the balconies (image credit Devin McKim)

The move by the city puts residents (many of whom have lived here for many years) in a very precarious situation. The owner of the building has 30 days to bring it up to code. He states he has every intent of addressing code violations within that time frame.

Despite ongoing maintenance problems and cosmetic issues, most residents are very fond of The Wilmont.

It is truly a fascinating place and the communal vibe is something you rarely see with other apartments. Everyone helps each other, from move ins + outs, to fixing computers + musical instruments, borrowing ingredients or DJing for each other’s parties. It is a very lively place.

–Miles Holst

To read other fond memories of living here, check out the comments in the article from last year, and Devin’s post last month.

(image credit John Morris)

The move comes three days after the City Council passed an ordinance declaring the four-story brick building unfit for human habitation. In recent months the Wilmont’s owner, David House of Raleigh, has been working to address a long list of inspection violations identified by the city.

Roger Bonney, who supervises housing inspectors for the city, said the Inspections Department went to the City Council after House failed to make adequate progress on fixing the building’s structural problems.

David Bracken, N&O

The article in the N&O states repairs were being made as of Friday to bring it up to code.

We’ll keep this post updated with new developments.


Brandon, a resident of the Wilmont, has created a site about the current issue facing residents. Please visit to see the NBC17 story, share stories, and to sign the petition.

Save the Wilmont Web site

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