Goodnight Raleigh - a look at the art, architecture, history, and people of the city at night

The Enormous Skyline Roundup

In the absence of an article on history, an event, night life, or some other topic, I’m going to use this as an opportunity to put up some some skyline shots I’ve had lying around for a bit. Pictured above is One Exchange Plaza and RBC Plaza.

The Durham Life, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sheraton, and BB&T buildings perched on Salisbury Street.

Progress II, Capital Bank Plaza (front), and Progress I (rear) as seen from RBC Plaza

The Court House and Post Office from Fayetteville Street on a very windy evening.

The new Mariott and BB&T.

And up a bit closer.

The view from the lounge at the top of the Clarion Tower.

Progress II, Capital Bank Plaza, The Court House, and RBC Plaza on a dark and stormy night.

From left to right: The Court House, RBC Plaza (background), Durham Life Building, Sir Walter Raleigh Hotel, Progress II (background) and Progress I (foreground).

The Wachovia Building over Moore Square Transit Mall as seen from Blount Street.

More of the Salisbury Street area

The obligatory Boylan Ave Bridge vantage point with the infamous concrete hopper mentioned in Raleigh Boy’s last post about the coal yard.

Even after this larger than average collection of images, there are many that remain unpublished. Look for a revisiting of this topic in a few weeks time.

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