Space Invaders Invade Raleigh
Several people on the outskirts of the beltline were lucky enough to witness this scene last Autumn. A rigid formation of invaders (space invaders) began their formulaic pattern of destruction only to be stopped by a quick thinking tank with precision shooting abilities. Many who missed it said they’d have paid a quarter to have seen this.
If you like to re-use then you’ve been near this intersection where the space invaders invaded. If you know the blueliners, you’re right there at their house.
This one is a toughie. I thought at first it would be intersections by Habitat for Humanity (reuse) and the IcePlex (sorta home of RPD Blueliners hockey) … then I thought maybe around RecZone (again a possible house for RPD Blueliners). I haven’t driven by the later but I did check out the first.